Thursday, August 27, 2020
Essay --
Part I 1. How numerous free factors are in a 4X6 factorial structure? What number of conditions are in this structure? There are 4 and 6 autonomous factors, and 24 conditions for this plan. 2. What is the contrast between a cell mean and the methods used to decipher a primary impact? The primary impact is utilized to decipher the distinctions in implies over degrees of one factor crumbled over degrees of the other factor (Jackson, 2012). In any case, the cell mean is utilized to decipher is utilized with models that incorporate three-way collaborations. Moreover, a cell implies is utilized with blended methodology (Jackson, 2012). 3. What is the contrast between a total factorial structure and an inadequate factorial plan? The total factorial structure comprises of all blends of all factor-levels of each factor; and it can gauge all components and their collaborations (Collins, Dziak, and Li, 2009; Jackson, 2012). Furthermore, the fixed-level plans might be determined (Collins, Dziak, and Li, 2009). For instance, a two-level factor, a three-level factor, and a four-level factor has 2 x 3 x 4 = 24 runs. The fragmented factorial structure a portion of the cells are deliberately left vacant, where members won't be appointed to those mixes of components. It is well on the way to be utilized in a controlled gathering (Trochim, 2000; Jackson, 2012). Along these lines, the examination can assess relative treatment correlations inside a solitary report and have the option to decide the impact of various treatment mixes (Trochim, 2000; Jackson, 2012). 4. Explain the contrast between a two-way ANOVA and a three-way ANOVA? A single direction ANOVA is utilized when the exploration needs to assess the contrasts between factors (Kirk, 1995; Jackson, 2012). For instance, an investigation may assess the dif... ...her factor (Trochim and Donnelly, 2008). How does a covariate decrease commotion? An ANCOVA configuration is a commotion decreasing exploratory structure can changes posttest scores for inconstancy on the covariate pretest. Covariates are the factors you modify for, where the impact will be evacuated. Any consistent variable can be utilized as the covariate; be that as it may, the pretest is generally best (Trochim and Donnelly, 2008). Depict and clarify three exchange offs present in tests. Schank and Koehnle (2009) contended that the three exchange offs present in tests are the unavoidable in any choices including blocking or to normalize conditions in tests. The understanding of numerous trial of a theory is explained. Trials with huge examples raise the chance of little, however measurably noteworthy, predispositions significantly after randomization of medicines (Wiley, 2009).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Analyzing Latin Amõricaââ¬â¢s Hõritagõ
Examining Latin Amð µricaââ¬â¢s Hð µritagð µ Examining Latin Amð µricaââ¬â¢s Hð µritagð µ Latin Amð µrican litð µrary custom bð µgan with thð µ creation of a numbð µr of really splendid and uniquð µ novð µls by such creators as Mariano Azuð µla at thð µ bð µginning of thð µ 20-th cð µntury and was followð µd by novð µlists likð µ Ana Gloria Moya right around 100 yð µars latð µr. Intð µrð µstingly, numerous Latin Amð µricas novð µls that wð µrð µ producð µd during thð µ past cð µntury dð µpict thð µ strugglð µ for indð µpð µndð µncð µ and thð µ quð µst for bð µttð µr lifð µ, which wð µrð µ thð µ idð µas promotð µd by Azuð µla and Moya. Such works likewise markð µd thð µ first timð µ that thð µ structurð µ and thð µ valuð µs of Latin Amð µricas socið µty wð µrð µ put undð µr a basic microscopð µ of request. Bð µcausð µ numerous countrið µs likð µ Mð µxico and Argð µntina wð µrð µ wrackð µd by violð µncð µ, war, and forð µign occupation for the greater part of thð µ nineteenth cð µntury, thð µ litð µrar y creation in this rð µgion was limitð µd and unproductivð µ. Much has changð µd whð µn thð µ creators of nð µw gð µnð µration wð µrð µ conceived who startð µd dð µscribing thð µ lifð µ in Latin Amð µrica from thð µir own place of við µw. Thð µy cð µntð µrð µd on envisioning diffð µrð µnt layð µrs of socið µty that influð µncð µd thð µ dð µvð µlopmð µnt of rð µvolutionary movð µmð µnts and strugglð µ for indð µpð µndð µncð µ. This papð µr, by rð µfð µrring to thð µ principle thð µmð µs and charactð µrs prð µsð µntð µd in Mariano Azuð µlas Thð µ Undð µrdogs and Ana Gloria Marias Hð µavð µn of Drums, illustratð µs how thð µsð µ creators connect thð µir heroes livð µs through plot dð µvð µlopmð µnt to thð µ rð µal à µvð µnts and normal pattð µrns prð µsð µnt in Latin Amð µrica during thð µ à µra of indð µpð µndð µncð µ and thð µ bð µginning of thð µ 20-th cð µntury. Whð µn thð µ Mð µxican Rð µvolution got undð µrway, a writð µr by thð µ namð µ of Mariano Azuð µla publishð µd a novð µl, Los dð µ Abajo, or Thð µ Undð µrdogs, which introducð µd a complð µtð µly nð µw gð µnrð µ of fiction for thð µ Latin Amð µrican rð µgion. Azuð µla's novð µl tð µlls thð µ story of thð µ Mð µxican Rð µvolution from thð µ pð µrspð µctivð µ of pð µasants in thð µ countrysidð µ got up to speed in thð µ à µvð µr-moving breezes of thð µ movð µmð µnt. In thð µ novð µl, thð µ hð µro, Dð µmð µtrio Macias, is a rð µsð µrvð µd pð µasant who à µnlists in thð µ Rð µvolutionary Army of Pancho Villa and follows a twisty way of battling, during thð µ coursð µ of which thð µ idð µological purposð µs of thð µ war arð µ swallowð µd up and lost. Thð µ just purposð µ lð µft to Macias in thð µ strugglð µ is thð µ battle itsð µlf. In thð µ last scð µnð µ of thð µ novð µl, Macias finds himsð µlf subjð µct to a snare in thð µ vð µry placð µ whð µrð µ hð µ first joinð µd thð µ strugglð µ. His lifð µ comð µs to an unexpected à µnd as just anothð µr setback in what appð µarð µd to bð µ a à µndlð µss and ultimatð µly purposð µlð µss common war. In thð µ procð µss of describing thð µ story, Mariano Azuð µla depicts in distinctive dð µtail thð µ logical inconsistencies of rð µvolutionary Mð µxico that put thð µ simplð µ pð µasant against thð µ culturð µd urban intð µllð µctual; thð µ slð µÃ° µpinð µss and routinð µ naturð µ of provincial villagð µ lifð µ against thð µ mayhem of lifð µ in thð µ large citið µs and on thð µ battlð µfið µlds; and convention against an unfurling modð µrnity. This novð µl was thð µ first and pð µrhaps thð µ grð µatð µst rð µprð µsð µntativð µ of thð µ gð µnrð µ of rð µvolutionary fiction that morð µ or lð µss continuà ° µd to dominatð µ thð µ contð µnt and stylð µ of thð µ national litð µrary creation of Mð µxico in thð µ 20-th cð µntury. This pð µriod in Latin Amð µrican litð µraturð µ is oftð µn rð µfð µrrð µd to as thð µ blast pð µriod bð µcausð µ it witnð µssð µd a à µxplosion of crð µativity that was uniquð µ to Latin Amð µrica and that influð µncð µd litð µrary trð µnds all through thð µ world. So also to Thð µ Undð µrdogs, Hð µavð µn of Drums is a recorded novð µl that dð µpicts Argð µntinas battle for indð µpð µndð µncð µ What makð µs thð µ story uniquð µ is that it takð µs placð µ during thð µ turbulð µnt timð µs whð µn thð µ nation was all the while battling to locate a national idð µntity. It is likewise an account of lovð µ, including unmistakable figurð µs that rð µprð µsð µntð µd thð µ Argð µntinð µs socið µty at that timð µ. Manuð µl Bð µlgrado is an indð µpð µndð µncð µ hð µro who lð µads thð µ nation to triumph against thð µ Spanish forcð µs, however dð µspitð µ his opð µn objection for Blacks can't hð µlp himsð µlf to fall in lovð µ with Maria Kumba, a voodoo prið µstð µss who isn't just a lovð µr, yet in addition a counsel to Bð µlgrado. Maria is onð µ of thð µ head hð µroð µs of thð µ book alongside Grð µgorio Rivas, a Mð µstizothð µ result of an Indian lady and a rich Spanish businð µssman. Rivas additionally bð µcomð µs Marias lovð µr, however hð µ is sð µriously disturbð µd by Marias commitmð µnt to remaining with Bð µlgrado, d ð µspitð µ critical à µvidð µncð µ that shows thð µ gð µnð µrals opð µn hatrð µd for Blacks. In thð µ battle against a typical à µnð µmy, a strategic solidarity is crð µatð µd It is solidarity basð µd on lið µs and dð µcð µption, whð µrð µ African slavð µs and Indians undð µr falsð µ promisð µs of frð µÃ° µdom arð µ bð µing usð µd as gun foddð µr against wð µll-armð µd British and Spanish soldiers. Against thð µ chances, thð µy battle with grð µat aloofness, winning numerous battlð µs in placð µs whð µrð µ triumph sð µÃ° µms impossiblð µ to achieve. Be that as it may, as triumph is grantð µd and rð µality rapidly sð µts in, promisð µ of frð µÃ° µdom is additionally rapidly forgottð µn, for it was nð µvð µr basð µd on thð µ prð µmisð µ of social justicð µ. Onð µ such great momð µnt in thð µ story that thð µ creator dð µscribð µs is a British attack in Buð µnos Airð µs with thð µ involvð µmð µnt of thð µ citys Spanish authoritið µs. Maria whosð µ fathð µra whitð µ mannð µvð µr rð µcognizð µs hð µr, can't bð µar thð µ biggð µst embarrassment of hð µr lifð µ (Moya 86). Thð µ creator says, Hiddð µn in thð µ court markð µt, shð µ crið µd tð µars of shamð µ watching that gathering of blð µachð µd-à µyð µd soldið µrs.. Frð µÃ° µd mð µn and slavð µs formð µd volunteer armies gathð µrð µd in [Marias] housð µ to organizð µ thð µ forcð µs in thð µ barrio [of Ãâ¢l Tambor] (Moya 86-87) Thð µ story bð µing told hð µrð µ is nothing nð µw from countlð µss storið µs that numð µrous antiquarians havð µ alrð µady set forward to dð µscribð µ Latin Amð µrica in thð µ à µarly 19-th cð µntury. What makð µs this story diffð µrð µnt is thð µ reality that it takð µs placð µ in Argð µntinaa nation that à µvð µn the vast majority of its citizð µns would dð µny thð µ à µxistð µncð µ of pð µoplð µ of African dð µscð µnt in thð µir nation. In Hð µavð µn of Drums, Ana Gloria Moya sð µÃ° µms to havð µ agrð µÃ° µd with thð µ reality of thð µ disappð µarancð µ of all Argð µntinð µs blacks. In hð µr à µpiloguð µ, shð µ tosses in somð µ passagð µs fillð µd with anguish and rð µprð µssð µd rð µsignation as shð µ à µxprð µssð µs hð µr sincð µrð µ compassion for all of thð µm [who] wð µrð µ shamð µlð µssly à µxtð µrminatð µd, as though thð µir blood was not significant, thð µir torment too chð µap to invð µntory (Mo ya 187.) A genuinely intð µrð µsting passagð µ in thð µ book is thð µ onð µ that dð µscribð µs thð µ last yð µars of Maria Kumba Originating from bð µing war hð µro, rð µspð µctð µd hð µalð µr, bð µlið µvð µr of thð µ African divine beings likð µ Shango and Olorð µm, lovð µr of Grð µgorio Rivasthð µ Mð µstizo and thð µ othð µr hð µro of thð µ bookMaria is currently rð µducð µd to bð µing a bð µggar. Thð µ creator givð µs Rivas thð µ chance to à µxprð µss himsð µlf in thð µsð µ tð µrms. Oncð µ in awhilð µ nð µws rð µachð µs mð µ that shð µ is bð µgging nð µar thð µ cathð µdral, with a dark shawl covð µring hð µr facð µ. I wish it wð µrð µ not truð µ I detracted from hð µr what shð µ lovð µd thð µ most. I lð µft hð µr with hð µr hands brimming with enchantment yet à µmpty of lifð µ. Be that as it may, I removed it from mysð µlf as well (Mayo 187). Thð µrð µ is clð µarly a major diffð µrð µncð µ with sð µxual plð µasurð µ and sð µxual happinð µss Manuð µl Bð µlgrado, national hð µro, didn't think à µvð µn rð µmotð µly possiblð µ of thð µ day that Maria Kumba would bð µ in nð µÃ° µd of hð µlp, just likð µ shð µ was consistently thð µrð µ by his sidð µ, at his sð µrvicð µ (sð µxual or othð µrwisð µ) during thð µ darkð µst long periods of thð µ war in thð µ mountains. Shð µ spð µnt hð µr last days as a panhandlð µr in thð µ dusty strð µÃ° µts of Buð µno Airð µs, in all out lack of definition, out of the picture and therefore irrelevant of thosð µ who currently glð µÃ° µfully guarantee that Argð µntina is a whitð µ country worked by whitð µ people hð µroð µs likð µ Gð µnð µral Manuð µl Bð µlgrado. Taking everything into account, it ought to bð µ notð µd that Hð µavð µn of Drums and Thð µ Undð µrdogs arð µ really intð µrð µsting novð µls Thð µy arð µ verifiable books fillð µd with intriguð µs that can rð µsonatð µ dð µÃ° µp into thð µ hð µarts of thð µir rð µadð µrs. Both Ana Gloria Moya and Mariano Azuð µla arð µ vð µry capable in dð µvð µloping thð µir charactð µrs. Dð µspitð µ dð µpicting diffð µrð µnt à µras in thð µ history, thð µsð µ novð µ
Friday, August 21, 2020
How Writing Samples From IB Psychology Can Help You Learn
How Writing Samples From IB Psychology Can Help You LearnWriting samples from IB Psychology is a great way to get ideas for your essay. You can always begin by writing down a series of essay questions for yourself that you would like to know the answers to before writing your essay. The idea is to get your own unique ideas out of the pool of information that you have. This may be one of the most effective ways to get your essay polished.As you browse through writing samples from IB Psychology, you will notice that a lot of the essays are very much similar. It is not unusual to see them written in very similar styles. There is no doubt that they share some common phrases and ideas, but these are not necessarily the same things that you will come across when writing an essay. You need to be able to understand your instructor and what he or she is trying to teach you about the topic at hand. Theses thoughts and ideas are often laid bare when you analyze the writing samples.You also need to be aware that there is a difference between writing and editing an essay. It is a must that you understand this concept. When you are writing samples from IB Psychology, it is important that you let your essay remain as close to the original idea as possible. If you are not comfortable with this, it is important that you seek out another essay writing assistance service provider.It is also important that you come up with your essay question before you get started. You do not want to be scrambling all over the place as you try to figure out the best answer for your essay. You can begin by working on a piece of paper and jotting down a few ideas on it.As you continue to write and develop more ideas, you can be certain that you will come up with the main topics that you will need to write about. You should be able to track down these topics based on the samples that you have. You may want to take your time in compiling your materials.Writing samples from IB Psychology will help you identify the key points of your essay questions. What these points are depends upon the kind of questions that you may be asked during an interview. In some cases, your advisor may simply want to know what you know about yourself and the subject at hand. In other cases, your advisor may require you to produce information that is specific to the topic at hand.When you are able to locate the essay question that you need to write about, it is important that you be sure that you offer an answer that you think is truly reflective of your own unique opinion. You do not want to give a generalization or a point that you do not believe to be true. It is also important that you have plenty of space in your essay to make a clear and compelling statement.When you are looking for writing samples from IB Psychology, it is important that you remember that they do not contain the opinions of one single person. They represent one view and there are many others. As a result, it is critical that you follow their lead. Do not simply copy what they have written because it could lead to your essay becoming inappropriate.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Service Learning Group Project Senior Center Assessment...
Service learning is an important element of nursing education. It is not merely service which benefits the community, nor is it simply providing community health promotion. As the name suggests, service learning also facilitates student learning opportunities that differ from the classroom or clinical experience. The senior center group project was valuable, in that it allowed for the enhancement of personal health care knowledge, as well as the opportunity to share that knowledge with the older adult community. The initial visit to the senior center involved assessments of blood pressure, blood glucose, oxygen saturation and heart rate. The participants were informed of their assessment values and encouraged to write them down. Many of the seniors asked questions related to what the numbers meant, if the values were within a healthy range and ultimately how they translated to daily living. Research shows that older adults are more likely to learn and retain new information that is perceived as relevant to their life, and should ââ¬Å"include education with the explicit aim of enhancing active involvement of patients so that they become partners in their health care processâ⬠(Cooper, Booth, Gill, 2003). It was evident that there was both a need and readiness for further education regarding the assessments. For this reason, we chose to teach about the health assessment results, including: target ranges, tips to achieve optimal levels, as well as how the numbers relateShow MoreRe latedReflection Essay726 Words à |à 3 Pagesexcellence in teaching, scholarship, and service. In the area of teaching, I have successfully taught one of the multi-section core chemistry courses (i.e., CHEM I and CHEM I-lab courses) and an upper-level course, Survey of Instrumentation for non-chemistry majors. 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The organizationââ¬â¢s Western leadership indicate that this approach followed from a community assessment whereby a collaborative partnership of Local opinion leaders (e.g. school headmasters, church leadership, political figures) and a group of medical, social work, and law students from the United States gathered information on the strengths, concerns, and conditionsRead MoreResearch1168 Words à |à 5 Pagesdesigns, bio-conjugated hybrid nanostructures, and self-assembled soft matter with potential use in mechanical, optical, and electronic materials,5 sophisticated catalysts,6 energy harvesters,7,8 and innovative therapeutics.4,9 My research interests center on bioactive macromolecules that could share the same nanoscale dimensions as synthetic nanomaterials with unique physical properties,9 to form bioinspired assemblies, and hybrid nanomaterials for biochemical sensing and biomedical applications. 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In my role I partner with senior management to develop and implement strategies to improve organizational effectiveness in support of the strategic goals of Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) which include implementing organizational development and change management processes, strategies and lead projects that are directed at identifying and recognizing innovation patterns across the health authority. I have had thisRead MoreBehavioral Science And Community Health961 Words à |à 4 PagesFor Department of Behavioral Science and Community Health Around 6 years of age, I was outside playing with other children when I noticed a group of people building something in an area. Everyone gathered around to observe them and saw water coming out of a pump. There were a few stories about drinking unsafe water or eating contaminated foods which led to gastrointestinal diseases, but very little effort was made to prevent this. While in my undergraduate years studying to become a physicianRead MoreThe At The Uhcl School Of Business1459 Words à |à 6 Pagesthe UHCL School of Businessâ⬠¦ We offer three project choices in bookkeeping to help you pick up the abilities important to exploit increased occupation prospects and to meet the changing requests of the business. UHCL is one of just two colleges in Houston with an AACSB International Accreditation particularly to account ââ¬â the most astounding standard of accomplishment for business colleges around the world. Our temporary job and community projects are awesome chances to make associations andRead MoreUnderstanding The Epidemiology Of Infectious Diseases955 Words à |à 4 PagesAround 6 years of age, I was outside playing with other children when I noticed a group of people building something in an area. Everyone gathered around to observe them and saw water coming out of a pump. There were a few stories about drinking unsafe water or eating contaminated foods which led to gastrointestinal diseases, but very little effort was made to prevent this. While in my undergraduate years studying to become a physician, I noticed how doctors were trained in intervention medicineRead MoreA Reflection On My Spirit Essay1416 Words à |à 6 PagesIntroduction My spirit felt ill at ease while learning about the Gospel Order during our on-site class discussion last June. The Holy Spirit convicted me of being at fault for taking the act of worship lightly and getting too comfortable. Likewise, the Holy Spirit persuaded me to consider the reason we gather for worship and whether we are telling Godââ¬â¢s story. I began this doctoral journey under the assumption that I knew a great deal about worship. Coming from a Latino church where Godââ¬â¢s presence
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Reasons for the Reformation in England Essay - 1958 Words
Before the reformation the only church that existed was the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church was extremely powerful at the start of the 16th Century. It had many followers covering a large proportion of the world, the area being called Christendom, which was classed as the Catholic community. The Church was the largest employer with large numbers of farm workers, servants and builders. The church ran most of the few schools and hospitals. Some of the pupils from the schools grew up to become monks or priests. The churches taught people how to behave in almost everything they did. Some of their power came from, the amount of money gained from selling indulgences that were claimed to reduce the time in purgatory. Converselyâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Priests were betting. Priests were handing off beggars outside the door of the Church instead of helping them. Priests were lying. When giving out readings and talking to people during Church services the priests were speaking in Latin. This was very bad as all of the people listening to the priests were English so they couldnââ¬â¢t understand a word. The priests were buying idols of god. ââ¬Å"Martin Luther was a monk from Wittenberg, Germany. He began to criticise the power and corruption of the church in 1517. He demanded a reform of the church immediately.â⬠Williams 2004. The reformation began on 31st October, 1517 in Wittenberg, Saxony. This was the day Martin Luther nailed his Theses to the door of the All Saintsââ¬â¢ Church. Martin Luther was a heretic. Heretics are people who are against the Roman Catholic Church. The church door served as the townââ¬â¢s notice board for university related announcements. The Ninety Five Theses was a list of 95 things that criticized the church and the pope. ââ¬Å"One very powerful supported of Luther was the Duke of Saxony. He insisted that the pope should send someone to Germany to answer Lutherââ¬â¢s arguments. In 1518 Cardinal Cajetan went to Augsburg to argue with Luther; but this only resulted in Luther growing even more far apart from the Catholic Church.â⬠Yelland, 2004. The Duke of Saxony wanted the Pope to send someone to Germany to address Lutherââ¬â¢s arguments. Cardinal Cajetan wasShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Thomas Cromwell And The Christant Reformation1323 Words à |à 6 PagesThomas Cromwell and The Protestant Reformation From around 1450 to 1650 is referred to as The Early Modern Period (True, ââ¬Å"The Early Modern Periodâ⬠slide 2). This point in history is marked with important people, movements, and advancements in technology (True, ââ¬Å"The Early Modern Periodâ⬠). Some of the most prominent names from this time are Martin Luther, King Henry VII, and John Wycliffe (True, ââ¬Å"The Protestant Reformationâ⬠). All of these people played a significant role in the movement referred toRead MoreThe Tudors Effect On The English Church Essay1303 Words à |à 6 Pagesas Queen Katherine of England could be put aside for no reason, then any wife could be put aside.â⬠(Gregory, 2002, 276) The Tudor dynasty was a well-known royal family during England in the 1500ââ¬â¢s. The best known, and discussed ruler during this time was King Henry the VIII. He is known for his many wives, specifically six, and also his radical reformation of the English Church. King Henry VIII was very concern ed with having a male heir to continue the dynasty. For that reason, he annulled his firstRead MoreThe Tudors Effect On History Essay1306 Words à |à 6 Pagesas Queen Katherine of England could be put aside for no reason, then any wife could be put aside.â⬠(Gregory, 2002, 276) The Tudor dynasty was a well-known royal family during England in the 1500ââ¬â¢s. The best known, and discussed ruler during this time was King Henry the VIII. He is known for his many wives, specifically six, and also his radical reformation of the English Church. King Henry VIII was very concerned with having a male heir to continue the dynasty. For that reason, he annulled his firstRead MoreThe Reformation And The Protestant Reformation876 Words à |à 4 Pages The 16th century reformation is also known as the Protestant reformation. There are a various number of causes for the Protestant reformation. The causes of the reformation will be analyzed from two different perspectives: Germany s causes and Europe s causes. The results of reformation will be examined. Major contributors such as Martin Luther and John Calvin s perspectives and contributions will also be analyzed and the impact they had during their time period. People in Europe during theRead MoreCauses Of The Protestant Reformation1635 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Protestant Reformation was the 16th-century religious movement that took place in the Western church. Having far-reaching political, economic, and social effect, the Reformation became the basis for the founding of Protestantism, one of the three major branches of Christianity. Without the changes caused by the Renaissance during the fifteenth century, the Reformation would not have been possible (Haigh). Reformers like Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Henry VIII challenged the Catholic churchRead MoreTyndale Bible And The Reformation Of England860 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Reformation of England The Reformation of England was a very important, yet difficult time, in history. According to Hughes Oliphant Old, author of The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian, ââ¬Å"The Reformation in England obviously pressed for a variety of changes that affected the whole life of the nationâ⬠(Old, 2002) There are many people and experiences that influenced this Reformation in English history. One of the biggest influences on The Reformation wasRead MoreWhat Were The Social Cause Of The Protestant Reformation?1289 Words à |à 6 PagesWhat were the social causes of the Protestant Reformation? The bible was being made more accessible than ever. One of the things that led to more people interpreting the bible is that it was translated into everyday language. Another was the fact that the printing press was enabled that allowed multiple copies of the bible to be made. Previous to this, scribes would have to write every bible by hand and this could tak e years, just for one of them. Another factor was the fact that there was increasedRead MoreThe Henrician Reformation Essay970 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Henrician Reformation The Henrician Reformation had much more political purpose than religious principles and to understand this much of the motives and changes of the reformation need to be considered. Reformation itself suggests that the events were all clearly linked together as a part of religious reform however, according to C. Davies most of those involved in bringing about the reformationRead MoreThe Reformation Of Henry VIII And The Protestant Reformation1177 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Protestant Reformation was a 16th Century movement aimed at reorganising beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church which had fallen to unpopularity in recent years. There are many argued causes of the reforms and it is controversial to suggest that any one had significance over the others. To fully explore the causes of the reformations in England it is necessary to consider the position of Henry VIII, legitimate dissatisfaction many English people held with the Roman Catholic churchRead MoreEssay on The English Reformation1410 Words à |à 6 Pages Though there was no driving force like Luther, Zwingli or Calvin during the English Reformation, it succeeded because certain people strived for political power and not exactly for religious freedom. People like Queen Elizabeth I and Henry VIII brought the Reformation in England much success, however their reasons were based on self-gain and desire for political power. Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I may have been the English Reformationââ¬â¢s greatest benefactors, all because of self interest. Henry
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Themes Of Consonance In The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost
The Road not taken is a poem by Robert Frost was first written in 1916 and it is one of the most famous pieces of American literature. ââ¬Å"It was published in 1978 it has also sold more than seven million copies in the United States and Canada.â⬠(Orr). ââ¬Å"ââ¬Å"The Road Not Taken,â⬠plays a unique role not simply in American literature, but in American culture ââ¬âand in world culture as well. Its signature phrases have become so ubiquitous, so much a part of everything from coffee mugs to refrigerator magnets to graduation speeches, that itââ¬â¢s almost possible to forget the poem is actually a poemâ⬠(Orr). Literary devices are devices that authors use to add texture, energy, and excitement to their works. It is no different in poetry, in ââ¬Å"The Road Notâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦One of the paths is clear and has been worn down due to traffic. In the end, he takes the one that was less traveled on and that made all the difference. The two paths represent one of the most used main themes in literary history. Choices have been the main theme in some of the worldââ¬â¢s greatest works. Jesus uses this theme in Matthew 7:13 in the Narrow and Wide Gates Parable. 13 ââ¬Å"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.â⬠Matthew 7:13 Frost uses this theme to demonstrate choices in life and everything you do. One choice can be to go down the highly traveled road or the less traveled road. The highly traveled road would be the easiest path to take whereas the less traveled road would be harder to take. At the end of the poem, you find that he took the road less traveled. ââ¬Å"During the poem, he is not pleased about having to make this choice and states that he would like to take both roads.â⬠(The Road Not Taken) The poem implies but does not state directly, that the most important factor to consider when making a choice is that the course of action chosen should fit in with the decisions that you have made in the past.â⬠(The Road Not Taken) ââ¬Å"The narrat or is stressed about being faced with two paths that lead in different directions because the wrong choice will lead to a lack of integrity.â⬠Show MoreRelatedThe Poem ââ¬ËMother To Sonââ¬â¢ By Langston Hughes First Published1198 Words à |à 5 PagesThe poem ââ¬ËMother to Sonââ¬â¢ by Langston Hughes first published in 1922 and ââ¬ËThe Road not Takenââ¬â¢ by Robert Frost have a number of similarities. These poems are parables in which experienced people give advice about life choices. In both poems, the personas were initially in some trouble in life but they currently have no remorse for the way they made choices and lived. Also, both poems have a moral lesson that life may not always be easy but at the end, the choices that people make will determine theirRead MoreThe Road Not Taken Analysis987 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Road Not Taken Analysis The Road Not Taken is a poem written by Robert Frost. This poem is a great candidate to be one of the world s best and this analysis will unveil why it is so. The poetic devices used in the poem bring forth its deeper meaning which ultimately resonates with the reader s emotions. However not only this poem is great because of the literary experience it gives but it is also beautiful on a simple structural level. First lets look at the structural aspectRead MoreAnalysis of The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost Essay921 Words à |à 4 PagesThesis Robert Frosts ââ¬Å"The Road Not Takenâ⬠is more symbolic of a choice one must make in their life in attempt to foresee the outcome before reaching the end, than it is about choosing the right path in the woods. Describe the literal scene and situation. The literal scene of Robert Frostââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Road Not Taken, is described as a ââ¬Å"yellowed woodâ⬠(Arp Johnson, 2009). Use of this description could be that fall is upon the wood or the trees perhaps once white have yellowed with age. Before theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Road Not Taken 808 Words à |à 4 Pagessigh/Somewhere ages and ages hence:/Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--/I took the one less traveled byâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ these are famous lines from a classic poem written by Robert Frost. The poem, ââ¬Å"The Road Not Takenâ⬠was one of many poems written by Frost. This well-known poem is about the struggle of a traveler decision between two routes he could take. It has both literal and metaphorical meaning; the roads can also symbolize two paths of life to follow. The Road Not Takenâ⬠¯is told from a first-person point ofRead MoreAmerican Literature11652 Words à |à 47 PagesHistorical Context: ï⠷ Civil War brings demand for a truer type of literature that does not idealize people or places Naturalism period of American Literature - 1880-1900 Naturalism is a sub-genre ofrealism Content: ï⠷ ï⠷ ï⠷ ï⠷ dominant themes: survival fate violence taboo nature is an indifferent force acting on humans brute within each individual is comprised of strong and warring emotions such as greed, power, and fight for survival in an amoral, indifferent world. Genre/Style: Read MoreANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS28843 Words à |à 116 Pagesa combination of the two? 2. What are the chief episodes or incidents that make up the plot? Is its development strictly chronological, or the chronology rearranged in some way? 3. Compare the plotââ¬â¢s beginning and end. What essential changes have taken place? 4. Describe the plot in terms of its exposition, complication, crisis, falling action and resolution. 5. Is the plot unified? Do the individual episodes logically relate to one another? 6. Is the ending appropriate to and consistent with the
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Galapagos Islands free essay sample
# 8211 ; Mellville And Darwin Essay, Research Paper Galapagos Islands: Mellville and DarwinDuring the 19th century, two outstanding authors, Herman Mellville and Charles Darwin both voyaged to the Galapagos islands off the seashore of Ecuador. Both of these persons wrote descriptive transitions about the physical properties and ambiance of the Galapagos Islands. The transitions vary in specific content due to the purposes and involvements of the several writers, even though the object described is the same. Charles Darwin, best known for the theory of development, wrote for the intent of scientific discipline ; Herman Mellville, best known for Moby Dick, for the intent of amusement. The audience intended, the tone of the writer, and the footings used in description-these all vary between the two transitions. These transitions exemplify that a individual topic, under changing conditions, can be seen and portrayed utilizing differing manner and rhetoric. Mellville # 8217 ; s transition uses allusions, analogies, and comparings to well- known entities to better exemplify the Galapagos Islands to the common reader. We will write a custom essay sample on Galapagos Islands or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Mellville assumes that the reader is unfamiliar with the Galapagos islands, or # 8220 ; Encantadas, # 8221 ; as he chooses to mention to them as and paints a image of the Galapagos Islands utilizing mundane footings. An of import portion of Mellville s manner is that the he neer straight describes the islands. # 8220 ; Take five-and-twenty tonss of clinkers dumped here and at that place in an outside metropolis batch # 8221 ; is how Mellville # 8217 ; s description of the Galapagos Islands begins. This reduces the Galapagos islands from a big, about impossible topographic point to objects of which most any reader can make a mental image. When Mellville describes the vegetation of the Galapagos Islands, he compares it with drying # 8220 ; Syrian calabashs, # 8221 ; hurting for H2O. Mellville discusses the purdah of the Galapagos Islands in comparing with Greenland, a familiar topographic point of purdah, the clear H2O in footings of Lake Erie, and the # 8220 ; cerulean ice # 8221 ; in footings of malachite. They know non autumn writes Mellville, as if these tonss of clinker are witting of anything at all. All these sections of Mellvilles transition are illustrations of how Mellville creates a personal relationship between the Island and the reader. Darwin uses scientific and specific words, pitching the transition for a extremely specialised audience. He centers his composing around the flora and related affairs ; seldom rolling from direct description or utilizing comparings. Darwin in one of his few comparings, relates the flora of the Galapagos Islands with that of # 8220 ; the volcanic island of Fernando de Noronha, # 8221 ; unheard of by all, except the most worldly. This shows that Darwin makes no investing in the creative activity of an image in the heads of the common reader. Darwin writes of a specific island, Chatham Island, and replaces Mellville s tonss of clinkers with # 8220 ; A broken field of black basaltic lava, # 8230 ; crossed by great fissures. # 8221 ; Using particulars, Darwin notes on the copiousness of # 8220 ; Euphorbiaceae # 8221 ; ; non merely unheard of by the common reader, but unpronounceable every bit good. This illustrates that the intended readers of Darwin s transition are possibly phytologists or life scientists. As I degree Fahrenheit in a laboratory study or scientific analysis, Darwin describes the physical component of the Galapagos Islands, seldom rolling into emotions. Changing subjects found in the enunciation of the two transitions creates different overall feelings for the reader. In Darwin # 8217 ; s enunciation, one finds an obvious subject, the repeated usage of words affecting heat. # 8220 ; Lava, # 8221 ; # 8220 ; sun-burnt, # 8221 ; # 8220 ; dry, # 8221 ; parched, # 8221 ; # 8220 ; heated, # 8221 ; sun # 8221 ; and # 8220 ; stove # 8221 ; are all used within the first four sentences. It is non uncommon to happen a subject-verb-complement construction merely somewhat modified ; Nothing could be less ask foring than the first visual aspect. is a illustration of this. Primarily, Darwin uses mild fluctuations on the simple sentence construction ; Mellville, varied constructions. The 3rd paragraph of Mellville # 8217 ; s transition consists entirely of one long sentence, formed by stacking images: And as for loneliness ; the great woods of the North, the sweeps of unnavigated Waterss, the Greenland icefields, are the profoundest of purdahs to a human perceiver ; still the thaumaturgy of their mutable tides and seasons mitigates their panic ; because, though unvisited by work forces, those woods are visited by the May ; the remotest seas reflect stars even as Lake Erie does ; and in the clear air of a all right polar twenty-four hours, the irradiated cerulean ice shows attractively as malachite. This sentence, both in complexness and uniquity, displays the huge fluctuations in sentence construction at Mellville s disposal. The temper of Mellville s full transition is both sad and lonely ; words throughout the transition show this: # 8220 ; loneliness, # 8221 ; # 8220 ; purdahs, # 8221 ; # 8220 ; devastation, # 8221 ; # 8220 ; understanding, # 8221 ; # 8220 ; sorrows # 8221 ; and # 8220 ; sad. # 8221 ; Mellville awakens ideas of understanding as he compares The Encantadas with shriveling metropoliss and dishevelled graveyards. Towards the terminal, Mellville displays this wonderfully, Have mercy o n me, the howling spirit of the Encantadas seems to shout. With emotion and personification, Mellville approaches the Galapagos Islands poetically. He describes the panic every bit good as the purdah experienced on the islands ; giving the reader a sense of ambiance. In decision, these points demonstrate possible ways to associate a topic to a reader utilizing varied manner and rhetoric. Such drastic differences can be found elsewhere every bit good. The Bible lineations regulations and limitations for its followings to populate by ; books of jurisprudence, regulations for all who live in the United States. Even though there are major differences found between transitions of Darwin and Mellville, similar to those between the Bible and formal jurisprudence books, there are obvious similarities. Both transitions talk of the scattered black hills that form the Galapagos Islands. Both portray an uninviting island ; Darwin writes: # 8220 ; We fancied that even the shrubs smelt unpleasan tly. # 8221 ; The usage of # 8220 ; even # 8221 ; by Darwin implies that other objects on the island emit a malodor every bit good. With a similar mentality, Mellville writes: # 8220 ; destroy itself can work little more upon them. # 8221 ; These transitions, both written about the Galapagos Islands, have many important differences, every bit good as some similarities. They demonstrate contrasting ways to comprehend and associate a topic every bit good as the Bible and books of jurisprudence. 356
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Self Account free essay sample
There are Chinese said,ââ¬â¢ As you sow, so shall you reap. ââ¬â¢ For me, in these 5 years besides academic I sow leadership. And now, I reap a lot. Because I am interested in financial management, I am studying in economics and BAFS. Therefore, this makes me grapping all the chance that can help me in improving the ability of studying management in the future. I got nutrient in house. I was a house committee for 2 years. I lead my house members for 2 years. In sports day I am the leader to lead them shouting out the slogan which are writing by ourselves. We are the wisdom the best of all. ââ¬â¢ How encourage is. I also discuss with other committee and assign different talent to join different competition. In that year we got the second in sports. In fashion show, we designed the clothes together and making use of our creativity to make the performance prefect. We will write a custom essay sample on Self Account or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Although we only got the second runner-up in this competition, I got a lot of experiences. In these 2 years when I am leading them I realized that being a committee, being a leader is how meaningful. I gain even more because I am a secretary of house. Every time when there are meeting, I am responsible to take the minutes and keep a record. Being a secretary, I became a person who are considerate and a good listener. To strengthen my little young sprout, I joint the Leadership Training Camp in summer. In this camp, all of the campers are strangers, I learnt how to communicate with them during the camp. Through games and activities, I am being more and more co-operate with my group mates. I did obverse them. I tried to learn their good aspects. Of course, itââ¬â¢s a long investment for me to practice and grasp it. My teacher gave me nutrient. In f5, my teacher recommended me to be the chairlady of Junior Police Call. I know nothing about this club. ââ¬ËGo on and you can do it girl, just because you are a good leader. ââ¬â¢ This really means a lot to me. I really get something. I got something that you canââ¬â¢t see-confidence. The thing that is really useful wherever where I am. When there is confidence that will be the first step of success. I really tried my best to become a good chairlady and a good house committee. I donââ¬â¢t know whether I have got a pass or not, but I wonââ¬â¢t regret because I have nothing to regret.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Reflection Questions 1 â⬠Education Essay question and answer
Reflection Questions 1 ââ¬â Education Essay question and answer Free Online Research Papers Q: Do you agree that having an enthusiastic teacher teach an unimportant subjet is preferable to an uninspired teacher teaching a crucial subject? What implications do you see in this remark? On what assumptions about teaching, students, and subject matter is based? R:I think that I would rather have a teacher that is enthusiastic teacher to teach a critical subject would be the ideal learning environment. Further, the implications in this remark are that a teacher should be conformable with the content which they are instructing, as well as show a level of enthusiasm. A teacher should be dry and boring to the point that students dread you teaching them. Q:What is the difference between common sense and theoretical knowledge? R:The difference between common sense and theoretical knowledge it that common sense it the type of knowledge that is learned in everyday environment. For example; a person applies and uses common sense when going out in the rain; their common sense, which is learned tells them to take an umbrella to keep from getting wet. In contrast, theoretical knowledge is the learned knowledge by reading text material on various subjects. Theoretical knowledge is usually applicable in the context to which it applies. Q: We have maintained that decision-making skills are important for teachers. What do you think you can do to improve your ability to make good decisions as you plan and deliver instruction? R:To improve my decision making skills and abilities as I plan and deliver instruction, I will practice making as many sound decisions that I can. I believe that in order to learn how to make proper decisions as a future teacher, you must endeavor to practice making as many decision as you are cable of over a given day or in the course of a time frame. Q:Which of the skills listed in the ââ¬Å"knowing Venus Doingâ⬠section of this chapter seems most important to you? What skills would you add to the list? What skills would you subtract from it? R: As a future teacher I would keep all to the following from the list of ââ¬Å"knowing versus doingâ⬠. They are all pertinent essential skills for teaching. Research Papers on Reflection Questions 1 - Education Essay question and answerStandardized TestingBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesTrailblazing by Eric AndersonIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalThree Concepts of PsychodynamicAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementResearch Process Part OneHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Essay
Friday, February 21, 2020
Nursing Health Assessment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Nursing Health Assessment - Case Study Example Basically, the diagnosis and potential nursing intervention in this patient would be achieved through the nursing process that involves a systematic process of deduction based on knowledge. The information and findings in this patient thus would need to be collected, analysed, and validated through this process to reach a nursing diagnosis that sets the basement of the management of the patient (Jarvis, 1999, 23-75). The objective of such assessment process is to collect information regarding the client's health status in order to identify deviations from normal in order to pinpoint actual problem and the risk it poses to the patient's future health (Bickley & Szilagyi, 2003, 31-46). History: The health history is the subjective database for the assessment. Health history also serves to set up the nurse-patient relationship. I started taking the history from the patient. Since the patient is a relative, I needed no introduction. The purpose had to kept in mind while doing this, since this process not only provides information regarding actual and potential health problems, but it is also a tool to recognize the patient's supports and strengths, a medium to identify the needs and necessity for collaborative care (Fuller & Schaller-Ayers, 2000, 53-81). Elements in History: The patient's identification demograp... As much as information in relation to the patient's life style and activities of daily living were attempted to be extracted. The target was to explore in depth the health profile of the person in question (Jarvis, 1999, 79-102). It began from the past history of this patient, starting right from the childhood. This patient had no major childhood illness as far as he remembers. He had no surgeries. Of late, he is having trouble with similar problems of exacerbated cough, fever, respiratory distress, and for this reason he had been hospitalized for several times. He has no other medical problems known to him or does not recollect any other diagnosis for his ailments that had been told by his primary care physician. He has no known allergies to medications, and he has a list of medications that as far as he remembers are azithromycin and aerosol salbutamol inhalers for regular use. He has not been traveling recently, and he was never in the military service. His family history is not s uggestive of any congenital diseases or diseases of familial origin. In the section of social history, he admits that he is smoker for quite a few years. His few attempts as quitting smoking have failed, and he has no plans to quit in the near future. His drinking habit is also from his teens, and he rates himself as a moderate drinker. He thinks there are no adverse effects from his drinking habit, and he finds no reason to think about abstaining from it. The patient has a supportive family, and he finds strength in the family. At present he seeks care due to his exacerbation of symptoms of chronic cough with difficulty breathing. Of late, he is observing that the frequency of such events is increasing. This history
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Impact the German state on Europe economy Term Paper
Impact the German state on Europe economy - Term Paper Example à The world has taken a change in trend where countries form economic groups based on the regions in which they belong. The economic blocks in which countries are grouped are strategies through which they get advantage in terms of bargaining for the economic benefits of individual countries. The economic blocks open the trading frontier in these regions. The implication is that these countries when they come as regional blocks open up trading platforms in a bigger scale that they would individually. Germany is historically one of the most prominent countries that ring in the ears of many people. Of notable reference is its involvement in the great world wars that took place in two phases i.e. World War I and World War II. Its political structuring began from these two historic events which were fuelled by technological and other economics adjustments for survival. Fulbrook asserts, ââ¬Å"From the period of the great world was, it has undergone a lot of political and economic reali gnments that place it among the most influential nations in the world todayâ⬠. Germanââ¬â¢s place in the economic world has significantly been important. This draws relevance from previous occurrences as well as historical incidences. There are situations which warrant interceptions from economically superior countries. In the recent past, the world has experienced what could be described as tumultuous times. The uncertainty that rocked the zone within which Germany falls was indeed affected. Germany was not much affected by the times and crises that were felt globally. In analyzing the significance of Germany, it is imperative that its military as well as economic involvements on the global scene be brought into perspective. This is what the following discourse delves in. Politically, Germany has come from its dark past where it had been even been split up into two states with completely different economic ideologies in which one state which was the democratic west with capitalist economic ideology. The other state was the communist east with the communist economic system. According to Leininger, ââ¬Å"Later the two factions brought down the Berlin wall and formed one nation with the same economic policies that has seen it rise to the list of the most developed countries in the worldâ⬠(234). It is this level of economic prosperity that is making it of particular interest in this research paper. Aim of the study This paper focuses on establishing the factors that make Germany to be at the center of focus in establishment, management and performance of the European Union. It therefore targets all the observable economic aspects of this country in respect with its role and extent of influence in the European continent at large and European Union specifically. Significance of this study The current economic challenges are uphill task to many nations and therefore some critical approaches need to taken up by the
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Two Hole Paper Punch Engineering Essay
Two Hole Paper Punch Engineering Essay The product I have chosen to manufacture is the two-hole paper punch. This product is one which is widely used in homes, schools and businesses all over the world for the purpose of punching holes in paper to allow for attaching multiple sheets together in an organised fashion. Such examples of devices used in conjunction with the two-hole punch include the ring binder folder and treasury tags. Component Parts On close inspection of existing two-hole punch products similar to the one in Fig.1 it can be observed that there exists six fundamental component parts to the piece. Some of these components are used in matching pairs and for this reason they can be considered as one single part in regards to the manufacturing of the product. Therefore the component parts can be categorised in four groups as follows: Base Plate ( To which everything is attached) Lever Handel ( The whole mechanism works from the behaviour of this part) Punchers ( Creates the holes in the paper) Springs ( Resets the mechanism for next use) Possible Materials There are countless materials which could be used to make the components of this product but the question is which ones are cost effective and also offer good quality. At this point I am considering using Perspex for the lever handle and Aluminium for the base plate. Stronger materials will be needed for the puncher heads to ensure a lasting sharpness over repeated use. Stainless steel could be a possibility in this case. And the springs will need to be strong also for the same reasons of repeated use so I would consider using some other variation of steel here too. Perspex The material we now know as Perspex began life, when the first acrylic acid was produced, in 1843. Methacrylic acid was formulated in 1865 and the reaction between methacrylic acid and methanolresults in the coumpound called metyl methacylate. In 1877 Two German chemists discovered the polymerization process that turns methyl methacrylate into polymethyl methacrylate. In 1933 another German chemist named Otto Rohmpatented and registered the name PLEXIGLAS. Then in 1936 the first commercially viable production of acrylic glass began. During World War II acrylic glass was used for submarine periscopes, and windshields, canopies, and gun turrets for airplanes. From a chemical point of view it is the polymer of methyl methacrylate that is sold under the trade names of Plexiglas or Perspex. Perspex is frequently used as a light or shatter-resistant alternative to glass. It is often favoured because of its moderate properties, easy handling and processing, and low cost. However when loaded it behaves in a brittlemanner and this is especially the case when subjected to an impact force. Also when compared to glass it is more prone to scratching. Aluminium Aluminium is a silvery-white andductilemember of theboron groupofmetals. It has the symbolAl and itsatomic numberis 13. Also it is not soluble in water. Aluminium is themost abundant metalin theEarthscrust, and the third most abundant element therein, next to oxygenand silicon. It makes up approximately 8% of the Earths solid surface by weight. Aluminium is too reactive chemically to occur as a free metal naturally. Instead, it is found combined in over 270diverseminerals.The chief resource of aluminium isbauxiteore. Aluminium is remarkable for its ability to resistcorrosiondue to the phenomenon ofpassivationand the metals low density. Aluminium is a soft, durable, lightweight,malleablemetalwith visual appearance ranging from silvery to dull grey which depends on the surface texture. Aluminium is non-magnetic and non-sparking. It is also insoluble in alcohol, though in certain forms it can be soluble in water. Theyield strengthof pure aluminium is 7-11MPa, while aluminium alloyshave yield strengths ranging from 200 MPa to 600 MPa.Aluminium has about one-third the densityandstiffnessofsteel. It isductile, and easilymachined,cast,drawnandextruded. Corrosionresistance can be excellent due to a thin surface layer ofaluminium oxidethat forms when the metal is exposed to air, effectively preventing furtheroxidation. The strongest aluminium alloys are less corrosion resistant due togalvanicreactions with alloyedcopper.This corrosion resistance is also often greatly reduced when many aqueous salts are present, particularly in the presence of dissimilar metals. Aluminium atoms are arranged in aface-centred cubic(fcc) structure. Stainless Steel Inmetallurgystainless steel, also acknowledged asinox steelorinoxfrom French inoxidable, is defined as asteelalloywith a minimum of 10.5or 11% chromiumcontent by mass.Stainless steel does not stain, corrode, or rust as easily as regular steel (itstains less, but it is not stain-proof).It is also calledcorrosion-resistant steelorCRESwhen the alloy type and grade are not detailed. There are different grades and surface finishes of stainless steel to suit the environment to which the material will be exposed to in its lifetime. Stainless steel is used where the properties of steel, and resistance to corrosion are both required. Stainless steel differs from carbon steel by the amount of chromium present. Carbon steel rusts when exposed to air and moisture. This iron oxide film (the rust) is active and accelerates corrosion by forming more iron oxide. Stainless steels contain sufficient chromium to form a passive film of chromium oxide, which prevents further surface corrosion and blocks corrosion from spreading into the metals internal structure. Carbon Steel Carbon steel, also calledplain carbon steel, issteelwhere the mainalloyingconstituent iscarbon. Carbon steel is defined as steel that has no minimum carbon content specified. The term carbon steel may also be used in reference to steel which is notstainless steel; in this use carbon steel may include alloy steels. Steel with a low carbon content has properties similar to iron. As the carbon content rises, the metal becomes harder and stronger but lessductileand more difficult toweld. In general, higher carbon content lowers the melting point and its temperature resistance. Carbon content influences the yield strength of steel because carbon atoms fit into theinterstitialcrystallinelatticesites of thebody-centered cubic(BCC) arrangement of the iron atoms. The interstitial carbon reduces the mobility ofdislocations, which in turn has a hardening effect on the iron. To get dislocations to move, a high enough stress level must be applied in order for the dislocations to break away. This is because the interstitial carbon atoms cause some of the iron BCC lattice cells to distort. Mild and low carbon steel Mild steel is the most common form of steel because its price is relatively low while it provides material properties that are acceptable for many applications. Low carbon steel contains approximately 0.05-0.15% carbonand mild steel contains 0.16-0.29%carbon, therefore it is neither brittle norductile. Mild steel has a relatively low tensile strength, but it is cheap and malleable; surface hardness can be increased throughcarburizing. It is often used when large quantities of steel are needed, for example asstructural steel. The density of mild steel is approximately 7.85g/cm3(0.284lb/in3)and theYoungs modulusis 210,000MPa (30,000,000psi). Background Research Production Process The Objective of this section is to define the materials and examine the possible production processes for each of my four component parts. There is always more than one way to carry out a job and yet still obtain a successful result. However some methods are more cost effective than others. I wish to present multiple solutions to manufacturing each of my parts and from there choose the best balance of quality, time and economy. Base Plate Aluminium Casting The first production process option to be examined is the idea of the multiple-use-mold casting process In the permanent-mold casting process a re usable mold is machined from grey cast-iron, steel, graphite or other such material. The mold is first pre-heated, and molten metal is poured in under the action of gravity alone. After solidification, the mold is opened and, the product is removed. The mold is then reclosed and another casting is poured. Aluminium is frequently cast by this process. There are numerous advantages for this process. The mold is reusable. A good surface finish is obtained provided the mold is in good condition. Dimensional accuracy can usually be held within 0.13-.25 mm. By selectively heating or cooling various parts of the mold, or by varing the thickness of the mold wall, directional solidification can be promoted so as to produce sound, defect-free castings with the desired mechanical properties. However there are some drawbacks to this process too. The mold life depends upon a number of factors: The allow being cast. The higher the melting point, the shorter the mold life. The mold material. Grey cast iron has about the best resistance to thermal fatigue and also machines easily. Thus it is used most frequently for permanent molds. The pouring temperature. Higher pouring temperatures reduce mold life, increase shrinkage problems, and induce longer cycle times. Mold temperature. If the temperature is too low, mis runs are produced, and high temperature differences form in the mold. If the temperature is too high, excessive cycle times result, and mold erosion is aggravated. Mold complexity is often restricted because the rigid cavity has no collapsibility to compensate for the shrinkage of the casting. As a best alternative, it is common practice to open the mold and remove the casting immediately after solidification, thereby preventing any tearing that may occur on subsequent cooling-down. Permanent molds are usually headed at the beginning of a run and are then maintained at a fairly uniform temperature as a means of controlling the cooling rate of the metal being cast. Since the mold rises in temperature as a casting is poured and sufficient time is permitted for solidification, it may be necessary to provide a cool-down delay before another casting is poured. Refractory washes are often applied to the mold walls to prevent the casting from sticking and to prolong the mold life. Mold costs are generally high so that high-volume production is necessary to justify the expense. Milling Milling is a basic machining process by which a surface is generated progressively by the removal of chips from a workpiece fed into a rotating cutter in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the cutter. Sometimes the workpiece remains stationary, and the cutter is fed to the work. In nearly all cases a multiple-tooth cutter is used so that the material removal rate is high. Often the the desired surface is obtained in a single pass of the cutter or work and, because very good surface finish can be obtained, milling is particularly well suited to and widely used for mass-production work. Several types of milling machines are used ranging from relatively simple and versatile machines that are used for general-purpose machining in job shops and tool-and-die work to highly specialized machines for mass production. Unquestionably, more flat surfaces are produced by milling than by any other machining process. The cutting tool used in milling is known as the milling cutter. Equally spaced peripheral teeth will intermittently engage and machine the workpiece. This is called interrupted cutting. Milling operations can be classified into two broad categories called peripheral milling and face milling. Each has many variations. In peripheral milling the surface is generated by teeth on the periphery of the cutter body. The surface is parallel to the axis of rotation of the cutter. Both flat and formed surfaces can be produced by this method, the cross section of the resulting surface corresponding to the axial contour of the cutter. This method is often called slab milling and is usually performed on horizontal spindle machines. In slab milling, the tool rotates at a certain rpm while work feeds past the tool. Water Jet Cutting Awater jet cutter or just waterjetis a machine capable of cutting intometaland other materials by means of a jet ofwaterat high velocity and pressure. The process is, in theory, the same aswater erosionfound in nature however it is greatly accelerated and concentrated. It is frequently used during manufacture of parts for machinery and other such devices. This is the preferred process when the materials involved are sensitive to the extreme temperatures that friction causes in other methods. Water jet cutting has found applications in a wide range of industries. Examples of these are mining and aerospacewhere it is used for operations such as shaping, cutting and carving. One important advantage of the water jet cutter its function to process material without interfering with the materials inherent structure as there is no heat-affected zone/ Haz. Minimizing the effects of heat allows metals to be processed without altering internal charachteristics. Water jet cutters also have the ability to produce rather detailed cuts in a material. When specialized computer software and 3-D machining tools are used, complex 3-D shapes can be created. The nozzle can be changed and adjusted to give the required cutting width. Typical abrasive cuts are made with a nozzle in the range of 1.016 to 1.27mm, but can be as narrow as 0.508mm. Non-abrasive cuts are normally 0.178 to 0.33mm, but can be as small as 0.076mm, which is roughly the width of a human hair. Small cutters ike these can make very small detail possible in a broad range of tasks. Waterjets are capable of accuracy of 0.13 mm, and repeatability to within a tolerance of 0.03 mm. Water jet cutting is a green technology.Nno hazardous waste is produced which reduces waste costs. Large pieces of recyclable scrap material are cut off using this method which would have been otherwise lost using traditional cutting methods. Waste water is usually clean enough to filter and disguard of down a normal drain. The abrasive is non-toxic and can be recycled for many uses. Water jets also avoid airborne fumes, and contaminates from cutting materials such as asbestos and fiberglass. This really benefits the work environment and greatly reduces any health problems arising from operator exposure. Lever Handel-Perspex Injection moulding Injection moulding is used to produce more thermoplastic products than any other process. Granules of raw material are fed from a hopper by gravity into a pressure chamber ahead of a plunger. As the plunger advances, the plastic is forced through a heated chamber, where it is preheated. From the preheating segment, it is forced through the torpedo section, where it is melted and super-heated to 200-300Ã °C. It then leaves this section through a nozzle which seats up against the mold and allows the molten plastic to enter the closed-die cavities through suitable gates and runners. The die remains cool, so the plastic solidifies almost as soon as the mold is filled. To ensure proper filling of the cavity, the material must be forced into the mold rapidly under considerable pressure, typically 35-140 MPa. Premature solidification would cause defective products. While the mold is being opened, the part ejected, and the mold reclosed, the material for the next part is being heated in the torpedo. The complete molding process takes typically between 1 and 30 seconds and is very similar to the die-casting of molten metals. Because thermosetting plastics must be held at an elevated temperature and pressure for sufficient time to permit curing, the injection molding process must be modified for this type of polymer. In the jet molding process the polymer is preheated in the feed chamber to about 95Ã °C and then is further heated to the temperature of polymerization as it passes through the nozzle. Additional time in the heated mold completes the curing process. Care must be exercised to prevent the material in the nozzle from cooling during this time and clogging the flow. Water cooling is introduced to the nozzle area as soon as the cavity is nearly filled. The water cools the material in this region and retards the hardening reaction. Because of the long cycle time, little injection molding of thermo-sets is performed. The properties can often compete with die-cast metals, provided the lower rigidity of the polymer is not objectionable. Milling The milling process is the same as before when it was discussed in relation to Aluminium. The only difference now is the material, which is Perspex. Laser cutting Laser-aided cutting has brought about a revolution in the manufacturing industries. These high-powered optical beams are used to cut through a variety of materials such as metal, wood, glass and plastic. The laser is directed at the required surface and moved around to cut the material in the desired shape. Laser cutting gives a finer finish to the end product as compared to conventional cutting methods. A typical laser beam is about 1/5th of a millimeter in width and has an intensity of 1000 to 2000 watts. Most laser cutting machines are integrated into a CAD/CAM system that helps the user design the end product on a computer before implementing it on the work piece. Laser cutting devices are proving beneficial in a wide array of industries. The plastic industry is no exception. These optic powered devices are used to cut precise shapes into plastic or acrylic sheets. The lasers can be used to cut plastics of varying thickness by simply altering the intensity of the beam. Lasers are not only used to cut through plastics but also help engrave on various surfaces. Laser plastic cutting machines bring precision and accuracy to the entire process. Since most machines are fully automated, they can perform complex cutting operations at high-speeds. The laser plastic cutting machines can also be used to cut polymers, polycarbonates and other synthetic materials such as polyesters and rubbers. The laser cutting method uses a non-contact approach when cutting the material. Due to this, the wear and tear associated with conventional methods is absent, preventing the product from any damage and deformation. The laser process also delivers a finish quality unmatched by any other process. When using laser plastic cutting machines, care should be taken to avoid the use of flammable plastics such as PVCs. These materials cannot cope with the heat generated by the laser and get damaged easily. Punches Stainless Steel Extrusion The process begins by heating the stock material. It is then loaded into the container in the press. A dummy block is placed behind it where the ram then presses on the material to push it out of the die. Afterward the extrusion is stretched in order to straighten it. If better properties are required then it may beheat treatedorcold worked. The extrusion ratio is defined as the starting cross-sectional area divided by the cross-sectional area of the final extrusion. One of the main advantages of the extrusion process is that this ratio can be very large while still producing quality parts. Hot extrusion is done at an elevated temperature to keep the material fromwork hardeningand to make it easier to push the material through the die. Most hot extrusions are done on horizontal hydraulic presses that range from 250 to 12,000 tons. Pressures range from 30 to 700MPa (4,400 to 102,000psi), therefore lubrication is required, which can be oil or graphite for lower temperature extrusions, or glass powder for higher temperature extrusions. The biggest disadvantage of this process is its cost for machinery and its upkeep. There are many different variations of extrusion equipment. They vary by four major characteristics: Movement of the extrusion with relation to the ram. If the die is held stationary and the ram moves towards it then its called direct extrusion. If the ram is held stationary and the die moves towards the ram its called indirect extrusion. The position of the press, either vertical or horizontal. The type of drive, either hydraulic or mechanical. The type of load applied, either conventional (variable) orhydrostatic. A single or twin screw auger, powered by an electric motor, or a ram, driven by hydraulic pressure (often used for steel and titanium alloys), oil pressure (for aluminum), or in other specialized processes such as rollers inside a perforated drum for the production of many simultaneous streams of material. Typical extrusion presses cost more than $100,000, whereas dies can cost up to $2000. Springs Steel The following description focuses on the manufacture of steel-alloy, coiled springs. Winding Cold winding Wire up to 0.75 in (18 mm) in diameter can be coiled at room temperature using one of two basic techniques. One consists of winding the wire around a shaft called an arbor or mandrel. This may be done on a dedicated spring-winding machine, a lathe, an electric hand drill with the mandrel secured in the chuck, or a winding machine operated by hand cranking. A guiding mechanism, such as the lead screw on a lathe, must be used to align the wire into the desired pitch (distance between successive coils) as it wraps around the mandrel. Alternatively, the wire may be coiled without a mandrel. This is generally done with a central navigation computer (CNC) machine. Examples of different types of springs. Examples of different types of springs. The wire is pushed forward over a support block toward a grooved head that deflects the wire, forcing it to bend. The head and support block can be moved relative to each other in as many as five directions to control the diameter and pitch of the spring that is being formed. For extension or torsion springs, the ends are bent into the desired loops, hooks, or straight sections after the coiling operation is completed. Hot winding Thicker wire or bar stock can be coiled into springs if the metal is heated to make it flexible. Standard industrial coiling machines can handle steel bar up to 3 in (75 mm) in diameter, and custom springs have reportedly been made from bars as much as 6 in (150 mm) thick. The steel is coiled around a mandrel while red hot. Then it is immediately removed from the coiling machine and plunged into oil to cool it quickly and harden it. At this stage, the steel is too brittle to function as a spring, and it must subsequently be tempered. Assembly Procedure Methods Quality Control Qulaity control is defined as the maintenance of standards of quality of manufactured goods. With this in mind there are a few methods i could employ in the upkeep of quality in the product choosen.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Bicycle Helmets Mandatory? :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
Bicycle Helmets Mandatory? Should bicycle helmets be made mandatory for all cyclist? That is what two elementary students asked for from their city council, an ordinance enforcing the use of Bicycle Safety helmets for children under 12. So on April 25, 2002, in Richardson, Texas, the city council had decided against an ordinance requiring bicycle helmets for children under 12. Of course they had their reasons for not passing the request made by two young girls. If they would have taken a serious look at the issue, they may have viewed it differently. Assistant City Manager Mike Wanchick said, "A helmet seems to give a false sense of security to the cyclist, who feel less vulnerable and may ride less cautiously," He then went on to add. "As a result, riders wearing a helmet are more likely to have an accident." (Post) Now, the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute (BHSI) statistics show four states accounted for 40 percent of bicycle deaths in 2000, With Texas as one of them. Yet, Wanchick says that "our basic position is that bicycle safety is a parents' primary obligation," adding " What hurts kids are cars and we need to be working the traffic citations out there* people who are licensed to drive cars, not kids learning to ride bicycles." (Post) Even though 10 of the largest cities in Texas have bicycle-helmet ordinances including Dallas and Fort Worth. But, Richardson Texas choose to not act on this issue, but turn a blind eye to one of the silent injuries and the prevention of it by wearing a simple helmet. The BHSI say s the statistics show about 800 bicyclists die in the US every year. Plus another one in eight of the cyclists injured has a brain injury. The city also cited U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission data reports that the number of head injuries to cyclists has increased by 10% percent since 1991, even with the rise in helmet use. Cyclist has declined at the same time, the data indicated, increasing the rate of head injuries per active cyclist though the decade by 51% percent. The commission's data also shows a substantial reduction in cycling where helmet laws are in effect.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Bismark Attack Paper
Bismarck exemplifies the best in effective leadership. While his methods may have been temporarily distasteful, his successful ends for Germany more than justified his means to achieve them. (ATTACK) Otto Von Bismarck spent 10 years working for at united Germany in an attempt to shift the balance of power in Europe. He was once quoted as saying ââ¬Å"People don t make nations, strong leaders and wars doâ⬠, and he was more than willing to sacrifice his fellow Germans for his vision of a powerful Germany.Even with the great idea to bring Germany together, I believe it was the farthest example of the best in effective leadership. In fact based on the video and research I believe Bismarck used blackmail and temper tantrums to get his way which is not the mark Of a great and powerful leader. When the King of Prussia asked Bismarck to be his Prime Minister, he wanted Bismarck to unite all Germans under one power, and one crown. He had a parliament that wouldn't pay their military and needed a way to get allGermans from the Saxons, Bavarian and Hessians to unite and become a stronger county. Bismarck believed he was being led by God to bring all of Germany together. This to me sounds very Hitler-issue and very much like someone who is going to step on everyone in his path to get what he wants. He attacked Denmark and then Austria, even though the King of Prussia was against it. While see where his thought process was, and why he attacked to unite his country, the King was very hesitant to have ââ¬Å"Germans shooting at Germansâ⬠.After the wars, Bismarck had what he wanted as far as national pride and Germans having a sense of country and dedication to the father land. This is where his effectiveness as a leader ends. The Prime Minister then decided to provoke France into a war. He wanted to make sure no one would try and intervene in German affairs and bring some of the smaller German states out of the nation as a whole. He then adds insult to injury by su ggesting a German prince become the new ruler of Spain, which France vehemently denied.Bismarck had become so power angry and now longer concerned with German affairs that he was blinded to what was going on. There was no need to provoke the French into a war for pointless gains. Bismarck had no need for the French territory but was more concerned with himself and his legacy than his people. Being out only for himself and provoking other countries needlessly is by no means an effective leader much less a great one.
Friday, January 3, 2020
French Direct Objects and Direct Object Pronouns
Direct objects are the people or things in a sentence that receive the action of the verb. To find the direct object in a sentence, ask the question Who? or What? Je vois Pierre. ââ¬â I see Pierre. (Who do I see? ââ¬â Pierre)Je mange le pain. ââ¬â Im eating the bread. (What am I eating? ââ¬â bread) Direct object pronouns are the words that replace the direct object to avoid repetition. If it werent for direct object pronouns, we would be saying things like Marie was at the bank today. When I saw Marie, I smiled. Instead, we usually say Marie was at the bank today. When I saw her, I smiled. The use of direct object pronouns makes sentences sound more natural. The Direct Object Pronouns The French direct object pronouns are: Me / mà ââ¬âà meTe / tà ââ¬â youLe / l à ââ¬â him, itLa / là ââ¬âà her, itNousà ââ¬âà usVousà ââ¬âà youLesà ââ¬â them Me and te change to m and t, respectively, in front of a vowel or mute H. Le and la both change to l. Like indirect object pronouns, French direct object pronouns are placed in front of the verb. Je le mange. ââ¬â Im eating it.Il la voit. ââ¬â He sees her.à Je taime. ââ¬â I love you.Tu maimes. ââ¬â You love me. General Rules Four main constructions use the French neuter object pronoun. 1. To Replace or Refer to an Idea Contained in an Adjective, Noun, or Clause This is the case in the following examples: Si tu esà satisfait, jeà leà suis aussi. ââ¬â If youreà satisified, I am too.ÃÅ tes-vousà amà ©ricain?à Oui, jeà leà suis. ââ¬â Are youà American? Yes, I am.Il està espion!à Non, il neà lest pas. ââ¬âà Hes aà spy!à No, hes not.Il taime. Jespà ¨re que tuà leà comprends. ââ¬â He loves you. I hope you understandà that.à à Je vais me venger. Jeà leà jure! ââ¬â ââ¬â¹I will get revenge. I swearà it! 2. In the Second Clause of a Comparison This is the case afterà the words aussi,à autre,à autrement,à comme,à plus,à moins,à mieux. Note that theà neà that shows up in the second clause of many of these examples is also optional. Il est plusà grandà que je neà leà croyais. ââ¬â Hesà tallerà than I thought.Celaà vautà moins que tu neà leà penses. ââ¬â Thatsà worthà less than you think.Elle està autreà quil neà lespà ©rait. ââ¬â Shesà differentà than he hoped.Il nest pas aussià stupideà quonà leà croit. ââ¬â Hes notà as stupidà as people think.Ce nest pas gentil deà parler des autresà comme tuà leà fais. ââ¬â Its not nice toà talk about othersà like you do. 3. With Negative Expressions of Opinion and Desire: 'Ne Pas Penser,' 'Ne Pas Vouloir,' 'Ne Pas Croire' Va-t-ilà venir?à Je neà leà pense pas. ââ¬â Is he going to come?à I dont think so.Allez,à viensà avec nous!à Je neà leà veux pas. ââ¬â Come on, come with us! I dont want to. 4. With the Verbs 'Croire,' 'Devoir,' 'Dire,' 'Falloir,' 'Oser,' 'Penser,'à 'Pouvoir,'à 'Savoir,'à 'Vouloir' Comme vousà leà dites,à ceà nest pas juste. ââ¬â As you say,à its not fair.Viensà quand tuà leà pourras. ââ¬â Comeà when you can.Il pourraità aiderà silà leà voulait. ââ¬âà He couldà helpà if he wanted to. Tips and Notes When a direct object precedes a verb conjugated into a compound tense such as the passà © composà ©, the past participle has to agree with the direct object.à If youre having trouble deciding between direct and indirect objects, the general rule is that if the person or thing is preceded by a preposition, that person is an indirect object. If its not preceded by a preposition, it is a direct object.
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